Blogspot SEO Tips For bloggers
Google Blogger is free and easy to use web publishing tool. Many bloggers initially use Blogger and then Migrate to WordPress complaining about the lack of official templates, post SEO friendliness, plugins, etc.
BlogSpot SEO: Useful Tips and Tricks
When we talk about SEO, very first thing which you need to keep in mind is: We can control on site and off site SEO. On Page SEO is covered by you which includes article quality, how well it’s optimized for Keyword and meta value for that article.

Format Blogger post URL link : Permalink plays a great role in search engine ranking of your post. There are few rules which everyone should follow for Blogspot permalinks.

Maintain the keyword density : Keyword density is an important aspect for better ranking. Too less will lead to less ranking and stuffing your Keyword will lead to over optimization. Though, you can pick keyword density for your Blog post SEO, account to one which works for you. Publish articles in relevance to post title and include necessary keywords in the post. Never stuff keywords to manipulate search engines.

Blog spot proper labels and related posts : Label adds to the keyword density of the post. Labels should be widened rather than putting them into the single narrow category.

Format Blogger post title
Post title plays a major role. Blogger post title is usually followed by home page title.

Provide good title, description, and footer text


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